Monday, July 30, 2012

My Story - Muhammad Aqeel

Muhammad Aqeel,
From Islamabad,
Injury level T5,T6,
DOB: 01-01-1997,
Incident on Dec,2001.

                  I belong to a village of Islamabad named New Shakriyaal Pinorhyaan, on incident day, my two brothers, me and my one cousin, were on way to our home.( in our village Illiot  Murree).   The occasion was to attend  our grand  mother's funeral.  On the way we got an accident and our vehicle crashed near Illiot market. My elder brother died on the spot.I was injured badly. On the other  hand   my   brother   and   cousin    got minor scratches.  They  shifted  me to Civil hospital Murree. After first aid  they reffered  me Civil  hospital Rawalpindi.  They  kept  me there for 15 days. Doctors told me I got  injured  in  spinal  cord . I  was  not  agree  with after somedays the discharged me from hospital and sent me home.

                After two months I got bedsore. My brother took me to Central hospital Murree road. Doctors admit me to four months. My bedsore couldn't cure. My brother took me to "this care center" Rawalpindi.Here some doctors are available so I felt easy and cured. I have one little bedsore here INSHAlLAH it will recover quickly.

              I am also using catheter which sometimes caused me infection but it recovers with medicine. My condition  is still same as I was on first day of my accident. My parents died some years back. now I am living with my brother, he feed us, now all burden is on his shoulder. Life is what we people are serviving. I am not rejecting this reality of this. Hense I am hopeful for future. remember me in your prayers.

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